Emancipatory Research methodology
Emancipatory Research (ER) is a type of action research that aims to investigate the dynamics of social inclusion and exclusion from the perspective of people experiencing specific vulnerabilities. This methodology was developed from several converging strands of work that emerged from a general dissatisfaction with the power structures embodied in ‘traditional’ research processes. It is based on the dissemination of participatory research techniques and methods, as well as reflections and practices derived from the work of Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal.
The involvement of marginalized groups in research processes
The Emancipatory Research objective is twofold: on the one hand to produce new knowledge about a certain phenomenon, on the other hand to promote the empowerment of marginalised groups or groups at risk of marginalisation. In this way, people who are usually at most the object of investigation, find themselves developing and implementing a research project, thereby developing awareness of their own social and economic conditions.
Through critical discussion and analysis of the research questions, marginalised persons (a) become aware of their rights and of the structural causes of their oppression, (b) elaborate practical solutions to improve their living conditions and (c) become able to control the processes of knowledge production that relate to them. Moreover, this strategy raises awareness and empowers communities and institutions, which in turn encourage social change in the direction of inclusive, equitable and sustainable development.